In the news

HUB International Casper 1
Your Wyoming Link [VIDEO]
To help support elderly and homebound residents, Natrona County Meals on Wheels has a chance to double a recent award.
Auto Draft 88
Yahoo!News | Denver 7
Fort Collins non-profit gets $10,000 donation (VIDEO)
Feeding hungry people one bowl at a time
WEHT-ABC Eyewitness News
VIDEO: Eyewitness News visited EM Ford to talk about their upcoming fundraiser and their Make More Happen Award for Empty Bowls of Owensboro
Today's Women with Elaine Houston
Bridget Murray featured on WNYT-NBC Today's Women
Make More Happen Award winner, Bridget Murray, was featured on the WNYT-NBC show Today's Women with Elaine Houston
On air mentions
Doubling the "Happiness"
Epic Insurance and Happiness Bag received two pieces of news coverage to help them double their donation.
Good Morning Cincinnati, out of Cincinnati, OH interviews KDHK and DSAGC
Good Morning Cincinnati interviews KDHK and DSAGC
Agent Joyce Unkraut was awarded $10,000 through Make More Happen, and an opportunity to appear on Good Morning Cincinnati with Jim Hudson, executive director, Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
On air mention
Winner on-air mention
Another great example of a Make More Happen winner on their local evening news!