Jason Ridley Insurance Agency - Serving Our Seniors
April winner

Preserving independence and well-being for seniors

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The Jason Ridley Agency is committed to serving their local community – and when they commit, they go all in. That dedication comes to life in the agency’s partnership with Serving Our Seniors (SOS), a nonprofit organization that provides services in 11 communities across Northeast Tarrant County, Texas to residents aged 65+ and 60+ with a disability dedicated to preserving their independence and well-being.

SOS assists seniors free of charge through three programs – Helping Hands, Transportation, and Social Outreach. This includes providing minor home repairs inside and out, making homes safer by building wheelchair ramps and installing grab bars and handrails, and assisting with lawn maintenance. SOS also provides transportation to doctors’ appointments and quality-of-life drives, and organizes themed socials and holiday outreach to break the isolation and loneliness that seniors often feel.

“Our senior neighbors are often overlooked, and we saw an opportunity to change that. Employees at the Jason Ridley Agency consistently contribute time, resources, and funds to uplift the local senior community and we see the difference that Serving Our Seniors makes everyday,” says agency owner Jason Ridley.

He serves on the Board of Directors and together with several staff members, they make a three-year commitment to donate at least $500 a year as Friends of SOS. Jason also makes regular donations to SOS’s annual fundraiser through cash and raffle items. The agency has been the title sponsor of the SOS’s annual golf tournament for three years. And in December, Jason truly embraced the spirit of giving by portraying Santa at SOS’s festive senior social, creating cherished memories for the attendees as they posed for photos and shared their wish lists.

At the top of Serving Our Seniors’ wish list is additional funding to provide regular transportation to more seniors, maintain landscaping equipment for their Adopt-A-Lawn program, and supply much needed materials for Helping Hands volunteers. With a $10,000 Make More Happen Award, that’s possible! By voting for Jason Ridley Agency, you can help enrich the lives of local seniors – make a difference now.


Jason Ridley Agency, Serving Our Seniors
Staff from Jason Ridley Insurance Agency at Serving Our Seniors' annual golf tournament. The agency has been the tournament's title sponsor for 3 years.
29 Votes
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Gary Trammell
7 minutes ago

Great Agency….Great Organization!!

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