Creating moments with mentors that help kids succeed
March Winner

Creating moments with mentors that help kids succeed

562 Votes
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Team members at Perkins McKenzie Insurance Agency are passionate supporters of Club Blue and its mission to enrich the lives of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana. Together, they firmly believe that every child deserves equal opportunities to thrive and succeed, aided by access to quality after-school and summer programs, mentorship, and community engagement. Whether volunteering or donating, when Club Blue calls, Perkins McKenzie answers.

Club Blue works tirelessly to create meaningful relationships between local young professionals and Boys & Girls Club members through mentorship programs, seasonal events, and fundraising efforts. Each year, Perkins McKenzie sponsors Club Blue’s Great Futures Gala to raise money to support these important programs. The agency hosts a toy and gift drive to make sure that every club member has a plentiful and joy-filled holiday season. Some agents’ favorite memories include building Club Blue’s annual Haunted House — agents and their families look forward to providing the scares every year!

“We have supported Club Blue for so many years that we have created lasting friendships with some of the children. Because we see the same kids at events throughout the year, we can keep up with their achievements and goals,” says Maggie Landry, a Perkins McKenzie agent and past Club Blue Great Futures honoree.

“It was an incredible moment when one club member wanted one of our agents to meet their family because they had talked about their experiences together so often.”

Now, Perkins McKenzie has a chance to make an even bigger impact. A $10,000 donation would provide essential school supplies for an entire Boys & Girls Club site and fund a summer filled with enriching STEM activities. Let’s come together as a community to support Club Blue and the amazing work they do. Vote for this story and help us empower the next generation!

562 Votes
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Justin Pierson
21 days ago

Voting and Rooting for you!

Brittany A. Bigger
24 days ago

What an amazing cause! Thanks for being a leader with philanthropy in your community.

Gary Trammell
24 days ago

Great cause! Let’s go!!

James Gibbons
25 days ago

Great agency and great program supporting the boys and girls of Metro Louisiana.

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