Changing lives, one meal at a time 6
September winner

Changing lives, one meal at a time

1239 Votes
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Meals on Wheels People enriches the lives of seniors and helps them maintain independence by providing nutritious food, human connections, and social support.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nearly seven million senior citizens don’t have access to enough nutritious food. What’s more, many older people often have financial or health problems that make it even harder to get the food they need. Meals on Wheels People (MOWP) exists to address this urgent need.

Since 1970, MOWP has been caring for older adults in Multnomah, Washington, and Clark counties in Oregon and southwestern Washington. The nonprofit prepares about 28,000 meals a week and serves them in dozens of its dining centers across the region. The organization also delivers meals, along with a friendly smile and conversation, directly to those who are homebound or can’t otherwise get to a dining center.

The nonprofit also serves other nutritionally at-risk populations through its Meals 4 Kids program. Started in 2013, the program currently serves about 400 families each week by delivering frozen, premade meals and bags of fresh groceries directly to families. These are meals they can prepare at home that also match their cultural preferences.

MOWP accomplishes all this thanks to a large network of volunteers who are devoted to helping senior citizens eat well while maintaining their independence and dignity.


A healthy helping of hope

Anyone over the age of 60 in need of food is eligible for help from MOWP. And the first step in helping them is educating the public that such a need exists. It was through such outreach by the nonprofit that ABI Insurance learned about the number of seniors that needed help. Once made aware of the problem, agency principal Jim Hisatomi decided he and his team could help make a difference.

The agency now supports the nonprofit by standing outside of local grocery stores during the nonprofit’s Donate Dinner drive and asking customers to donate groceries to deserving seniors in the community. This public interaction further serves to spread awareness of MOWP’s vital work. In addition, the agency donates money to the cause and also tells its clients and other businesses in the community about MOWP and encourages them to offer support.


A hot meal and friendly smile

MOWP’s goal is to see that no seniors go hungry or experience social isolation. That’s why volunteers only deliver food when seniors are available to receive it in person. This approach is so important because it provides much needed social interaction as well as nourishment, and both are essential to live a healthy life.

“Food insecurity and isolation among seniors is a real concern in our community,” said Jim Hisatomi, the agency principal at ABI Insurance. “Once we saw the need, we wanted to be part of the solution.”

“Food insecurity and isolation among seniors is a real concern in our community. We want to be part of the solution.”

– Jim Hisatomi, Principal, ABI Insurance

With the help of the community in preparing and delivering meals, and spending some valuable time with seniors each week, the organization is making a noticeable difference.

“Our home visits provide more than food to seniors,” said Shelah Hanson, MOWP’s chief development officer. “It also provides a connection to the community and reminds seniors that their neighbors care about them. And we can only accomplish this with the help of our committed volunteers.”

“Our home visits provide more than food. It also reminds seniors that their neighbors care about them.”

Shelah Hanson, Chief Development Officer, Meals on Wheels People


Help keep the wheels rolling

Your vote can help Meals on Wheels People continue to deliver nutritious food to homebound senior citizens and families. A $10,000 donation would be used to purchase food and ingredients as well as replace cooking equipment in MOWP’s commercial kitchen.

Help ABI Insurance win $10,000 for Meals on Wheels People by clicking the vote button. Get them an extra vote by cheering them on in the comments below by October 4, 2024.

1239 Votes
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Charla Chamberlain
6 months ago

I’ve seen how senior isolation and food insecurity decreases appetite or urgency to find nourishment. This puts our seniors in health crisis. Thank you for helping support meals on wheels people programming to keep our seniors safe and fed!

Kelli Dexheimer
6 months ago

Thank you ABI Insurance! What a great cause to support!!

Joe Condino
6 months ago

Well done, ABI! Helping to address food insecurity is a very noble cause.

Kristin Swanson
6 months ago

Thank you, ABI insurance, for supporting this meaningful cause that makes a huge impact!

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