May winner

Helping the most vulnerable make positive change

610 Votes
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Those who experience sexual abuse, rape and domestic violence often feel stigmatized and isolated. Seeking to ensure every person can live free from abuse, CAPSA provides safe, caring and confidential shelter, advocacy and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Logan, Utah and surrounding communities.

Ending the cycle of violence

Founded in 1976 by a group of volunteer women in response to several high-profile sexual assaults, CAPSA stands for Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse. Over the years, the nonprofit has expanded and now provides a 24-hour support phone line, numerous services to enable people to move from crisis to healing, as well as educational programs to reduce incidents of abuse.


Each year, CAPSA provides support to more than 1,900 people. CAPSA caseworkers focus on helping individuals and families become safe — both physically and emotionally — through emergency shelter, transitional housing, safety planning, protective order assistance,  support groups, legal clinics and emotional support through clinical therapy. All services are free and confidential, to better enable survivors to overcome the barriers resulting from abuse.


Working together to serve the community

Paul Borup, president of SentryWest Insurance Services, saw CAPSA’s impact on the community first-hand when he began serving as a member of the Cache County Council. He was impressed with how CAPSA worked together with the sheriff’s office and Victim’s Services unit to help some of the most vulnerable members of the community begin a new chapter in their lives. When his time on the county council ended, Paul wanted to stay involved with CAPSA to help facilitate their work.


“Our agency is committed to helping ensure CAPSA staff have the resources they need to end the cycle of violence.”
– Paul Borup, President, SentryWest Insurance Services


SentryWest has always supported nonprofits committed to helping people recover from difficult circumstances, so CAPSA was a natural fit. “Our agency is committed to making sure CAPSA staff have the resources they need to end the cycle of violence,” says Paul. The agency provides financial donations, assists with fundraising and engages in community outreach. By helping to educate the community about CAPSA’s services, Paul and his staff foster connections that enable more people to access the help they need.


Ensuring help is always there

During a period of unseasonably cold temperatures, CAPSA’s fire suppression system ruptured, flooding the childcare center and multiple offices in CAPSA’s outreach building. Paul personally visited CAPSA the next day, providing guidance on navigating the claims process as well as making an additional donation to help CAPSA with any short-term expenses.


“ CAPSA’s life-saving and life-changing supportive services are only made possible by the incredible support and dedication of our community. We are deeply grateful for SentryWest’s unwavering commitment to our cause as well as their outstanding generosity, which has made a significant impact on our ability to support individuals and families affected by abuse,” said James Boyd, Chief Development Officer at CAPSA.


“We are deeply grateful for SentryWest’s unwavering commitment to our cause as well as their outstanding generosity, which has made a significant impact on our ability to support individuals and families affected by abuse.”

– James Boyd, Chief Development Officer, CAPSA


Add your support

A $10,000 Make More Happen Award from Liberty Mutual and Safeco would help CAPSA assist more than 40 people affected by domestic and sexual violence become safe and live free from abuse. Help SentryWest Insurance Services win $10,000 for CAPSA by clicking the vote button. Get them an extra vote by cheering them on in the comments below.

610 Votes
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Erin Dougherty
1 year ago

Thank you for your dedication!

1 year ago

What a wonderful cause/organization & insurance agency! Proud to cast my vote!

1 year ago

Love this! ❤️

Mariah Kulkin
1 year ago

Good work!

1 year ago

That’s so great!

Jennifer Campbell
1 year ago

What a great organization!

1 year ago

I love this! Great organization!

1 year ago

This is the best thing I’ve read all day!

1 year ago

Great organization! CAPSA always gets a donation from me in the summer as personal funds become available.

Debbie Treasure
1 year ago


1 year ago

Go SentryWest!

Kayla Chiara
1 year ago

Go SentryWest!!

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