Melanie Bosse
American Heritage Insurance Group

Cincinnati, Ohio 2404 Votes
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This photo shows the employees of American Heritage Insurance Group making Power Packs with the volunteers at the Freestore Foodbank in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Power Packs contain over a dozen shelf-stable food items and are given to children ages 6-12 on Fridays, lowering their stress about wondering where their next meal will come from. Now the know they will have something to eat over the weekend.

During the agency’s two-hour volunteer shift, they packed 1,070 packs! The Freestore Foodbank distributes Power Packs in the Tri-State area and surrounding counties. The American Heritage employees seen here include: John, Becky, Carole, Theresa, Holly, Stephanie B., Melanie, Robin, Stephanie F., Rochelle, Sara R., Sara W., Billie, and Mark.

American Heritage Insurance Group

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Bill Rhoads
4 years ago

Very worthwhile endeavor!

Donald H. Day Sr.
4 years ago

Keep up the good work

4 years ago

Awesome group of volunteers!! Thanks for all you help in packing of the Power Packs.

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